One Foot in Front of the Other

Once we make a decision, it’s time to create a plan. A plan that will help us put our desire into actionable steps.

In my situation, I decided to try everything I could think of at once.

—Eliminate ten main trigger foods for migraines.

—Keep a food journal.

—Start taking a multivitamin.

—Create a nighttime ritual. Sleep mask on by 10 pm. No phone after 9 pm. No looking at my phone if I wake up in the middle of the night.

—Track my sleep.

—Meditate 10 minutes daily.

—Change my computer set up so my neck was in better alignment to the screen.

—Rid my house of  toxic cleaning products.

—Use non-toxic make-up, shampoo, lotions, etc.

—Create some healthy mantras. (My body is telling me something; what am I hearing? God is doing the behind the scene work. This headache will serve me in the long run.)

—Limit my exercising.

—10 minutes of fresh air a day.

—Track water intake. Drink 65 ounces/day.

—When migraine surfaces, do the Act Fast advice. 

I say “at once” but it was gradual…and on-going…

The important thing is not to spin in overwhelm. Try brainstorming a list of all the things that would benefit the change you are seeking. If it works better for you, pick one. Concentrate on it. Master it. Add another item from your list. 

The important thing is the forward momentum. Even when we take a step back, readjust to forward momentum.  

Nothing is going to change if we don’t seek change. 

In our relationships, we can’t control the other person. I couldn’t control my migraines either.

“Migraine, please stop coming around.”

“Migraine, I don’t want you to act like this anymore.”

“Migraine, you need to shape up or ship out.”

I can only control myself. 

What I do.

How I respond.

Live with integrity with who you want to be in every situation.

You decide what forward momentum looks like for you. The other person doesn’t need to be going forward. Only you. Work on that.

Are you closer or farther away from your desired result?

Are you rating your success or failure in achieving your initiative or on your growth?