We have expectations.
I’m putting in all this work, so I expect things to change.
That’s not the way it works much of the time.
You don’t need to lower your expectations.
You may need to adjust your expectations.
Expect new things.
Expect it to be hard.
Expect not to get what you want even though you are doing everything you can think of to do.
Expect to grow.
Expect to let yourself down.
Expect the other person/situation to let you down.
Expect to make a new plan as needed.
Expect to master yourself.
Expect to feel better even if nothing changes (migraines don’t disappear, other person doesn’t change).
Expect to be confused.
Expect to have your own back—confidence in yourself.
Expect to be hopeful.
Expect to be disappointed.
Expect to want to give up, settle, live in the status quo.
Expect to commit to forever.
We create high expectations for ourselves.
I’m going to try this and it’s going to work.
When it doesn’t work, we tend to lower our expectations—like to ground zero.
“This is never going to change.”
It may or may not change
But you change.
You become a person who shows up the way you expect yourself to.
You become a person who expects to be able to handle the situation no matter what life throws at you.
You even have your back when you show up less than stellar.
Expect to show up less than stellar some of the times.
Expect to try again.
Would adjusting your expectations be helpful?
Do you have fears around adjusting your expectations?