Hello!  I’m Lori Holyoak


After 30 years of coercing my husband to read books, listen to podcasts, and engage in communication, all in an attempt to improve our relationship, I finally decided I had enough junk to focus on myself and didn’t need to drag him along.  (I didn’t want to get rid of him though because he’s a pretty awesome guy!)  That’s when I found The Life Coach School and my life began to change in ways I never imagined.  I’m excited to share these tools with you.


I was a homeschooling mother of four and now a Grams of 7.  I’m committed to exercising and I enjoy eating healthy, but I have a weakness for hot fudge brownie sundaes.  I went back to school in my 40s and have a bachelor’s degree in English.  My spirituality is an essential part of my life and one I’m consistently trying to improve.

They didn’t always want to kiss me :)

They didn’t always want to kiss me :)


This is a picture of me and three of my four children when we were in the thick of the teenage years.

I remember the first time one of my children said, “I hate you.” I remember the broken family rules, the punishments, the worry, the financial hardships, the range of emotions.

I also remember the fun, the things I thought I did right, and life not throwing me for too much of a loop when things didn’t go the way I hoped they would.

June 2020

June 2020


These are my four grown teenagers and their families now. Life just keeps getting better. Not because everything turns out perfectly, but because I’ve learned to notice my thoughts, manage my emotions, and do things I love—including building eternal relationships with these people.