“Woo-woo is a slang term used to describe those who believe in phenomena that lacks substantiated evidence to prove the claim of the phenomena.”—urbandictionary.com
Life Coaches have life coaches.
I had an appointment with my life coach, but I didn’t have anything I felt I needed coached on.
Life was good. I was feeling better than ever. I’ve been doing lots of work on myself and was feeling pretty good about my thoughts and my actions and the results I am creating in my life.
I told her all this, and she said, “What are you feeling right now?”
I said, “Empowered.”
She said, “When you feel empowered what color is it?”
I said, “Peaceful blue.”
She said, “Where do you feel it in your body?”
I said, “In my heart and in my smile.”
She said, “If you could equate it to an object, what object is it?”
I said, “An expanding balloon.”
It was kind of a fun exercise. It was a little awkward. It was a little woo-woo-ey.
Because life isn’t always rainbows and unicorns, a couple days later I was feeling discouraged. I had a coaching session that didn’t go so well. I ate cake and ice cream for my grandchildren’s birthdays. I didn’t beat myself up about that, but I had seconds and even a third sliver and that brought up some self-judgment. Well, you get the jest.
Intellectually I know it’s my thoughts creating feelings of discouragement. But I couldn’t seem to change my thoughts.
But then I remembered the “peaceful blue expanding balloon.” As I was able to visualize that feeling I was able to recreate it and then those empowering thoughts associated with it came.
Next time you are feeling great, notice the way you are feeling. Label it with a color, an object, a location in your body. Then the next time those negative feelings surface, try to recreate the positive feeling by remembering the color, the object, and the location in your body.