In May, my daughter invited me to attend Ben Platt’s “Sing to Me Instead” tour in San Fransisco. At the concert he sang a song “Grow As We Go”. Check out the music video.
The song and music video reminded me of relationships that have ended because one person wants to go a different direction OR start over “without baggage” OR find themselves OR find a new partner they think will make them happier.
But I want you to know that changing your circumstance by cutting people out of your life isn’t the best first option. In fact, painful relationships are some of the best opportunities for growth.
We can grow in every situation.
We can start over with the “baggage.”
We can go on a personal journey of discovery with the kids and the husband and the in-laws.
We can be happy in our current relationship.
We think if we get a new job or win the lottery or meet our soul mate then we will be happier. But if we can’t make peace with our current situation then we probably won’t enjoy the new situation either.
I’m not saying that leaving the relationship is or isn’t the best choice. Only you know the answer to that. What I am saying is it’s worth the time investment to explore why you think you can’t grow if another person is in your life or why you might blame the other person for you not showing up as the person you want to show up as or why you think you will suffer less if they are gone.
I encourage you to practice showing up every day as who you want to be. Regardless of the circumstances.
Maybe….just maybe, when YOU feel happiness in your life, your relationship becomes healthier too.