The Model

Image by Anna Larin from Pixaby

Image by Anna Larin from Pixaby

Have you ever received a gift and didn’t realize how valuable/how wanted/how needed it was until much later?

Today I’m wrapping a gift for you.  Read it now, but when you are ready for it to add value to your life, come back and apply it to your life.

The Model is the tool The Life Coach School teaches to bring awareness to your life and what you are creating.

There are five components to The Model: Circumstance (C), Thought (T), Feeling (F), Actions (A), and Results (R).

Everything in life can be plugged into one of these five categories.  Everything.

Covid-19 – Circumstance

Husband said, “You should clean up this mess.” – Circumstance

I have $50 in my savings account – Circumstance

Circumstances are facts.

How we think about the circumstances is our Thought.  And that is where your power lies.

Not being able to leave my house is driving me crazy – Thought

My husband shouldn’t tell me what to do – Thought

I should have more money in savings – Thought

Our Thoughts create our Feelings.

Depressed – Feeling

Angry – Feeling

Inadequate – Feeling

Feelings drive our Actions.

Rant to a friend.  Don’t even leave the couch (let alone the house). – Actions

Yell at husband.  Make a bigger mess on purpose.  – Actions

Buy things.  Judge myself.  – Actions

Our actions create our Results.

Blame Covid19 for our craziness – Result

Tell my husband what he should do – Result

Bank balance stays the same – Result

Our Results are evidence for our Thoughts.

Observing your Thoughts and realizing that you can create the life of your dreams is the best gift. 

In all honesty, it’s not a gift that I’m giving you.  It’s a gift you give yourself.  And it’s a gift that keeps on giving. 

Sign up for one of my free 20 minute coaching sessions and I’ll teach you how to apply the Model to your life; you’ll wonder how you ever lived without it!