The Five Love Languages during C19 . . . or Anytime


I love The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman.  Even though I believe that our thoughts create feelings of love, I think the book brings some great awareness to us individually on actions we can take when we are feeling loving.

I recently heard someone saying how the Coronovirus is impacting them because social distancing is impeding their love language which is physical touch.  That got me thinking about how we can take full responsibility for feeling loved. This isn’t just a good skill to know when a pandemic is going on, but it is a useful life skill.  You can create any feeling you want just by what you are thinking. 

When we feel love, we more readily express love to others. 

If you are feeling the love, but are practicing social distancing, then act on those feelings by expressing some self-love.  I’ve included a few ideas, but use this as a springboard to come up with your own ideas.

Words of Affirmation 

Look in the mirror and pay yourself a compliment

Listen to a song (Perhaps “What Makes You Beautiful” by One Direction)

Write a letter to your past self. Start with the phrase “I love you because….

Create a daily affirmation

Journal daily – include one thing you do each day that you are proud of


Physical Touch

Give yourself a foot rub/manicure/pedicure

Rub your fingers through your hair/Massage your scalp

Turn the music up and dance around the living room

Coat your body in lotion

Do yoga or stretching exercises



Organize your email folders

Cook and enjoy a delicious meal

Rake the leaves, pick up pine cones, or plant a garden

Detail your car

Redecorate a room in your house simply by moving stuff around


Quality Time

Read a book


Play a game of solitaire, put a puzzle together

Light some candles, turn on your favorite music-create the ambience and then pay the bills, relax, or do a project that always gets put on the back burner

Learn a new skill


Order something online

Order take out

Sign up for an online Life Coach Session

Download a book

If you are thinking you are worth it, you are! If you are thinking, I do want to show myself some self love, then do it! There’s no better time than now…or anytime!

Photo by Giulia Bertelli on Unsplash