Personal Failure

“We get the idea that everything is within our control and that every difficulty that we are having is just a personal failure.”—Conscious Life Super Conference


Stop it right there.

We have lots of choices in life and the one we tend to gravitate towards is blame. Whose fault is it? It’s convenient to lay blame on ourselves or someone else. When we are looking for answers, blame is a convenient solution. 

If it helps you, then keep using it.

I bet it’s not helping though. I bet it’s keeping you stuck.

So if we don’t choose blame, what can we choose?


—Why didn’t that work?

—Is there another way to move forward?

—How can I utilize what I already know?

—What if I approached it with a completely new perspective?


—This is just going to be hard and I’m all in for it.

—This problem is my new blessing.

—This is part of my life, yet I won’t make it my center of focus. 


—I will care for others.

—I will not judge my weaknesses or the weaknesses of others.

—I will seek help. 


—I am a spiritual being having a human experience. 

—Everything is figureoutable.

—I can handle whatever comes my way.

These are just a few, but there are a hundred other choices. Try a new emotion on and see if it fits better than blame.

Don’t settle for blame. 

What feeling choice do you think will help you the most?