He likes Team Sports. I like Individual Sports. He'd rather eat Meat. I'd rather eat Treats. He likes Classical Rock. I like Quiet. He loves driving Stick Shift. I love driving Automatic. He'd rather eat Candy. I'd rather eat Chocolate. He is Status Quo. I am Goal Oriented. He Tosses and Turns all night. I Sleep Soundly. He prefers Strength Training. I prefer Cardio. He loves Italian food. I love Mexican food. He's always Hot. I'm always Cold. He likes to Shower. I like to Bathe. He is Sarcastic. I am Genuine. He will sit in the Shade. I will sit in the Sun.
It must be true that opposites attract. There must be something to our differences bringing balance to our relationship. President Uchtdorf gave a talk called “Of Things That Matter Most" and said, "We appreciate our differences as well as our commonalities." I do appreciate that Mark is always warm and I can cuddle up to him and get warm. I appreciate that he likes to have fun and has been the instigator behind most of our fun family activities. I'm glad that he likes to drive on long trips so I can ride shotgun and keep him company (or sleep....) Some of our differences I don't appreciate (or understand) though--like his finding humor in things I think are dumb. When I choose to focus on those things, life isn't so good. But when I focus on the things that matter most, life is good. We both care about our relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. The gospel is very important and we can be found worshipping together and trying to live the best we can. Family is very important to both of us. We love each other and our children. We have always both been hands-on parents--from diaper changing to taking them to college and everything in between. We love to spend time together. Those two things -God and Family-trump all the other things. Who cares if I like to learn and he likes to be entertained? Who cares if he likes dill pickles and I like sweet pickles? When we love someone, we embrace the differences and the commonalities.