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I don’t know.  It’s a common answer our brain likes to offer. 

Mine has been offering it to me this week.

Just when I think I have an idea about what to do, then I hear conflicting opinions and “I don’t know” creeps back in.

What ends up happening is nothing.  No decision.  No progress. 

It can happen with everything in our lives. Do this. Don’t do that. The mixed messages confuse me.

I read.  I ponder.  I think I know what to do. It’s not a good idea after all.  It becomes overwhelming.  I don’t know what to do.  But I want to do something.

Something beneficial. 

I want to do something.

I refuse to live in overwhelm which produces nothing.

I will do something.  I will make decisions.  I will move forward.  It may be wrong, but I will learn.  I will make a better decision next time.  I will keep trying.  Because getting it wrong and learning and trying again is better than doing nothing at all.