Photo by Fa Barboza on Unsplash
Today I want to talk about the relationship with self.
In life coaching we teach about the primitive brain. It’s the part of the brain that wants you to give into primal urges—the desires that give us the temporary pleasures.
On the flip side is the prefrontal cortex part of the brain. Here is where conscious thinking takes place. We factor in reasoning and outcomes and make deliberate decisions—decisions that bring long-term rewards.
Simply put it’s like the devil and the angel sitting on our shoulder having a discussion.
Don’t eat that. But I want it. No, you really don’t. It tastes so yummy.
Finish your assignment. I’m just going to take a little break. You know your breaks are never little. Pick up your pencil.
You suck. I have some good qualities. Remember when you did that one thing. Well, I’m working on that.
Guess what? You are the primitive brain and the prefrontal brain. It’s all you.
It’s nice to have someone to blame.
My primitive brain made me do it. It’s the natural man tendency.
Guess what? You are the natural man and the spiritual being.
Doctrine and Covenants 88:15 says, “And the spirit and the body are the soul of man.” We like to blame the body for everything. It’s like the body is weak and the spirit is strong. The spirit needs to strong arm the body into compliance.
Guess what? I am soul. I am spirit and body. There is no blaming. There is only awareness that I am all of it. I am the one who wants and resists and accepts and rejects. It’s me. We like to blame the body. But we didn’t have bodies when 1/3 of the heavenly host decided to not choose God’s plan. Those pre-mortal spirits chose that.
It doesn’t help me to think about my body and spirit at war with one another. It helps me to think of them as united in a common goal. My spirit and my body need each other. They want each other. They make decisions together.
There is no good thought/bad thought going on. There are just thoughts. Your thoughts.
Be intentional about the one you choose. Own it as one you make. Stop treating your soul as two separate entities at war with each other. It’s just two different thoughts. Both a part of you.
You are body and spirit. Enjoy the unity of your soul.