A Letter To My Body

Dear Body,

Who are you? I don’t recognize you.

You started acting all weird on me and I am not sure how to respond. I really want 20, 30, or even 40 year old body back. But I know that is not going to happen.

So I’d like to make peace with you.

I want to be friends. 

I want to know how to respond, how to react, how to love you in healthy ways. I am tired of fighting with you. I am tired of expecting you to be something that you aren’t. I am trying to listen to your cues. They are just unfamiliar to me and it is taking me time to understand what you are trying to tell me. 

I have tried to be good to you. But what worked before isn’t working now. And some days I feel at a loss. You are important to me so I want to put in the effort to have a good relationship. It is just taking me a while to navigate the new you. 

If you will be patient with me and know that I’m trying, I know we can still be friends. 

Love Always,