Today I’m celebrating!
It’s January 2020 and I’ve just learned about Impossible Goals. I love goal setting….but setting an Impossible Goal? Why would I want to do that? When we set goals, or even think about maybe…possibly…making a goal, Brain1 goes into overdrive. That’s not gonna happen. You don’t really want to do that. That will take too much effort. That’s too hard. The great thing about setting an Impossible Goal is you already know it’s impossible. So Brain1 is not telling you anything new. Brain2 just gets to agree. “Yep, I know, right! But we are going for it anyway.”
With that knowledge in my back pocket, I set my 2020 Impossible Goal: Write 3 books.
Someone besides me might be saying, “That’s not impossible.” Well, it was to me. I hadn’t accomplished it yet. It seemed impossible.
Book #1: a little quote and picture book to give to my family
Book #2: my personal history - covering the first 50 years of my life
Book #3: a nonfiction work
Drum roll please. I DID IT! All three books.
So today I’m celebrating.
I wrote myself an “I’m proud of you” note and I’m taking my paddle board for a spin. I want to celebrate my accomplishment by doing something I love—being outdoors enjoying nature. And I’ve never written myself a note before but it just feels like a celebratory thing to do.
Brain1 and Brain2 start to disagree again. Brain2 wants to know what are you going to do next. Brain1 is saying, “Slow down. Enjoy the moment.” I’m so lucky to have these two sounding boards within me. I get to listen to them both and then choose whichever one I want.
Today I’m choosing “Slow down. Enjoy the moment.”
But I know Brain2 will get its say, because I’m chomping at the bit to set another Impossible Goal.