Enjoy the Journey

Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash

Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash

Sometimes I forget to enjoy the journey.  I get so Uber-focused on the task at hand or especially achieving the result I’m after that I forget to stop and smell the roses.  The last several months have been like that.

I knew compiling my personal history was going to take time.  I knew I was going to have to focus to get it done. Covid19 actually helped me in that area.  It removed a lot of distractions.  But I feel like I’ve been stuck in my office for six months.  The fresh air, sunshine, and the birds are calling my name.

I’m ready to jump to the next project.  I’m excited to get started.

But it’s been like I’ve been holding my breath.  And I needed to exhale…and inhale…and exhale before jumping in again.

I love balance.  

Work and Play

Self-care and Service 

Saving and Spending

People time and Me time.  

A lot of times we get in this either/or mentality.  

Either I save every penny or I spend every penny.  

Either I eat healthy or I eat all the foods.  

Either I clean the whole house or none of the house.  

Either I scroll for hours or give up all scrolling.

What if we could do it all?  What if work felt like play?  

As I write this I’ve moved out of the office and am sitting on the porch while the birds serenade me.  I’m “working” (writing my blog) while “playing” (enjoying nature.)  

What if people time was also me time?  

Mind boggling, right?   

What if while I was writing my personal history I had allowed myself to call my sister and reminisce or took a few minutes to tell my grandchildren about a time I played truth or dare and it came back to haunt me.  

Unfortunately, I scanned pictures and wrote essays as fast as I could because I was focused on the end result.  I’m sure I thought it would take longer if I stopped to reflect.  But what if that’s not true.  

What if the slowing down, speeds us up?  What if mixing the two energizes us and makes us more productive?

I’m going to try it with my next project.  I’m going to enjoy the journey.  I’m going to breath and focus.   I’m going to have fun while I progress at my goal.  It feels totally do-able.